Quality, Health, Safety and Environment

The personal safety and health of each employee of this company is of primary importance. Petroexcel Technology Services Limited is firmly committed to establishing, promoting and maintaining a safety system that will sustain a safe and healthy work place and to be environmentally friendly. We commit to abide by the best industry practices and legislative requirements. We commit to conduct periodic assessments of our operations to identify risks and reduce personnel exposure. To succeed in this endeavour, a proper attitude toward injury and illness prevention on the part of both management and employees is paramount. In addition, cooperation among co-workers shall be maintained to help make this safety program successful.  Only through this cooperation can a safety program for all be established and preserved in the best interest of both the company and employees.

In making these commitments, we believe that each employee has the responsibility to work in such a manner as to safeguard himself, his fellow employees and the assets of the company. Internal training, safe work practices and procedures are clearly defined in the Safety Manual for all employees to follow.

Accidents, whether they result in personal injury, industrial illness, damage to property, fires, or any other form of loss, must be avoided. It takes the participation of all employees to eliminate accidents in order to make the safety program effective.

Our goal to have an accident and injury free workplace can only be achieved if everyone, at all levels of the organization, works safely and considers safety in the performance of every job.